Helmut Ortner to Deliver Keynote at ICC YAAF & YAAP Conference in Vienna

We are pleased to announce that our Managing Partner, Helmut Ortner, will be delivering the keynote speech on cross-examination in international arbitration at the forthcoming joint conference of ICC YAAF & YAAP in Vienna at the occasion of the 31st Willem C. Vis Moot.

Cross-examination is often considered the crown jewel of advocacy in international arbitration, distinguishing the truly exceptional litigators from their peers. Mastery of this skill is a hallmark of the best in the profession.  Join Helmut for an engaging and enlightening presentation that promises not only to entertain but also to offer practical insights into the art of cross-examination.

ICC YAAF & YAAP: Young Approaches to Arbitration | ICC Knowledge 2 Go – International Chamber of Commerce (iccwbo.org)